Friday, June 8, 2007

Summer is here for us

I'd wanted to homeschool year around but I've been so burnt out that after I'm done with my work for the day I just want to lay around and do nothing. I fell asleep at 8PM last night. Today all I've done is clean the house, do laundry, go to the bank and do a little clothes shopping. I made ham and eggs with fresh bread for lunch and now I just want to be done for the day. I do need to work on my Shaklee business and see if I can't get something going to get some products moving but otherwise I don't want to do anything. It's so hot out today (almost 90) and humid too. I think that has a big part of why I'm feeling this way. I've still been getting my daughter to watch educational stuff on TV and play educational games on the computer but I really need to start doing the index cards again as that's what I really wanted to focus on this summer. I've finally been able to get on a 4 day work schedule so I'm only working online 24 hours a week. The rest of the time I'm on and off doing advertising. I also have been able to get laundry and house cleaning done on Fridays so that Saturdays is farmers market and R&R, which is what I do almost all day on Sunday too. It's going to be hard getting up at 6:30AM for church though. I miss going at night but do like this new church better. I just know that once I get on a schedule it's going to get all messed up again bc my dd is going to 4 weeks of different campst this summer. Anyhow, that's my life so I'll stop babbling now...

1 comment:

Aish Agrawal said...

Summer is a great time to brush up on past year's curriculum and be in touch so next year doesn't become dreadful. online math tutoring can be a great way to do this. Companies like have made personal tutoring highly affordable (as low as $49/month for Summer) by using global resources.