Sunday, February 11, 2007

The day from Hell

I don't like being yelled at all day long and yet that's what I got from my parents all day today. I'm sorry you can skip reading this post but I really have got to vent. I've been told that my house isn't perfect, I don't do enough to help my dd with her autism, that I let her do too much herself, that she should be in public school and that I shouldn't be working. Well, I'm sorry that my house looks lived in and that we have projects going on for school. I'm sorry that I don't have a perfect child. I'm sorry that I don't coddle my dd. And I'm sorry that I can't live off of Social Security alone. I'm sorry that I don't feel she'd thrive in public school. I'm sorry that I want my dd to have a really good life and to have the very best that I can give her. What it comes down to is that I'm not perfect and they think that they are and so I should be. It's just ludicrous but I can't be exactly what they want me to be. I'm my own person and I'm doing a lot of great things for my dd so it's time they stand up and take notice while understanding that I am happy with who I am and that we aren't slobs but aren't perfect either. THE END

1 comment:

Donetta said...

How awful for you that you don't have the support that you need!! As hard as it may be sometimes I would encourage you to keep on with what you're doing with your daughter. I am a homeschool mom of two and we have homeschooled for seven years. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I just found your blog and haven't read many of your posts yet and I don't know much about you but I can tell you that homeschooling your daughter, in my opinion, is one of the best things you could possibly do for her! The public school system is a mess and I think it does more harm to children than good.

Don't give up - the rewards are wonderful. :)