Monday, February 5, 2007

FINALLY!!! A productive day at home...

Well the temperatures around here are averaging 7 degrees outside today so I decided to forego a trip to the library and see what we could accomplish at home instead. Well, my dd surprised me at how good at finding things to do she can be once in a blue moon LOL She has done a really great job today. This morning she played Play Do while I did a little bit of work. From there we've watched a video about China, did a craft, played with money and now she's watching Dora while I catch up on a little bit more work. She's also done some dancing and improvised free play while I've done some work on my next ebook. Plus I cleaned up some of the house while she was working on (an awesome site that teaches children how to read, it comes HIGHLY recommended by me). I also have done some writing and some organizing of other work that needs done this week. It feels really good to have such a productive day today that I just had to brag LOL I really hope that this is an indication of what's to come because I for one could use some more time at home! Tomorrow we're going on a field trip which she's been really looking forward to so this is probably the only day we'll be home until Friday but then Friday is always so busy because I do about 4 loads of laundry so she usually doesn't have time to be bored LOL I'll talk to you after the field trip tomorrow, hopefully with some new insights LOL Until then, I'm off to finish organizing a couple of articles so that they'll be easier for me to write and then I have to clean up the living room: It looks like a tornado hit there but that's OK because it was all in good cause :-)

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