Monday, February 12, 2007

Trying to stay sane in an insane world

I am starting to think that this world really is quite insane. There is just so much going on around me that people seem to think is normal but I step back and shake my head in bewilderment. I've decided that I'm not going to worry about anyone but me and my dd anymore though. It's just not worth my time and energy. I need to do schoolwork and work on my part time job on a daily basis. In reality, that keeps me busy enough. When I add in all of dd's activities and keeping up with things around the house while having time for myself it's just not worth it anymore. Days like yesterday just don't settle well with me. It's not healthy for me to feel that way. I know what is going on in my life, I know how to keep myself organized, I know what needs to be done and how and when it needs to be done. From now on, I've decided that this is the only thing that really matters AMEN

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