Thursday, November 16, 2006

I can't believe it's Thursday already!

Where has the week gone? I bought a Thanksgiving lapbook to do with my daughter and we have barely touched it. I really want to get it done before Thanksgiving but at this rate that may not happen. I know I still have close to a week to finish it but we never homeschool between Friday and Sunday. We may have to do some on Saturday this week then see what happens Monday through Wednesday. I hope we can get it done. I keep telling myself that I'm not going to stress over it if it doesn't get done but I'd really like to be putting it together on Wednesday to show off to the family on Thursday. I guess that's my fault for wanting to show off. Someone told me that I was crazy to already be on Thanksgiving break but this week has been really busy and now I'm exhausted. Anyhow, enough rambling. Wish me luck with either getting this thing done or not stressing over it - whichever works out LOL

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