Friday, November 24, 2006

Just another day

Well, we're back to normal today. Our holiday is over for a while. We'll take another one about a week before Christmas. This morning I took advantage of the great sale at Hands of a Child to buy about $200 work of lapbooks for us to do for only around $100. We went to the library this afternoon for story/music/craft time. They did turkeys LOL Now my daughter is reading to pretend children. I'm getting ready to start working again on Monday. I have a lot of regular clients lined up who I'm sure will be glad that I'm back. I don't know if I'll be glad though. The slow pace of this week was quite enjoyable for the most of the time. I am going to change how we do our homeschooling somewhat though. I think we're going too fast and pushing too hard so I'm going to take a small step back. This way my daughter will have some more free time to learn and explore. I'm also going to stick to really only working with my regular clients so that things aren't running so fast. Well... Those are my thoughts for today.

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