Sunday, November 19, 2006


It's funny how sometimes our priorities get so out of whack LOL I have been working from home for close to 10 years now and you'd think that I'd have learned by now to keep my priorities straight but I'm beginning to think that this is going to be something that I'm going to struggle with for the rest of my life. I hope I'm not alone in saying this though LOL Although I do know and understand that each of us struggles with something different. Anyway, I am a freelance writer and had started to write about anything and everything just to make money. As a single mom I thought that was important but in the mean time I was running over my own desires in order to do this and plus I wasn't building in anything for me or anything that I like to do and so I finally burnt out.

I took some time off this week because I was burnt out and needed to look at my life. This is when I concluded that my priorities are majorly out of whack. I don't want to spend the rest of my life writing for someone else, especially when I don't even like the content that I'm writing: ie knitting LOL I do like to do other things like edit people's content. Anyway while this may not make any sense to you it does to me and so here's my priorities from now on LOL:
  • I am going to spend some quiet time each morning preparing for the day ahead.
  • I'm going to read each night before going to bed.
  • I'm going to make sure that my daughter gets the best homeschool education possible.
  • I'm only going to do the following types of writing: editing, ensuring my current clients are happy, posting on forums for cash, writing homeschooling articles for AC, finishing my homeschool ebook and placing it for sale, writing some various plr articles so that I can open a site and place them for sale as well, putting together a landing page for everything so that it's all tied neatly together
  • I am also not going to be afraid to embark on this new business venture that I have planned.
I'm going to come back, check, update and edit these each and every time that I feel burnt out so wish me luck, but for now I'm going to bed - Nite!

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