Tuesday, May 1, 2007

"Homeschooly" stuff

I know I just posted something else that was on my mind, but I really wanted to share our day with you because it just goes to prove that learning and socializing really is all around you, wherever you go, whatever you do. So, here's an outline of the highlights of our day:
  1. We went for a nature walk and picked up recycling. It was really interesting some of the things that we found when we looked close enough to find it.
  2. We had a plumber in our home to fix a copper pipe. Guess who was his willing assistant?
  3. We went to the bank and talked about money and banking.
  4. We went to the ice cream store for some sherbert and it was time that the kids were walking home from school. So, my daughter got to socialize with some of them.
  5. While walking home from the ice cream store she talked to a child who showed her how to play the viola.
  6. We did laundry, which is always an education in itself LOL

So, what did you do today?

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