Monday, May 7, 2007

So much to tell

Sorry I didn't get to tell you this before, but the art festival was very enjoyable. The lady was making glass beads and it was so neat to watch how she used her torch to make them. While she was unable to make bigger glass objects because of the set up and such, she did tell us, in detail, how she made glasses that you drink out of. My dd was soooo amazed by it all and would have stayed there for the entire night if I'd let her LOL. We did take advantage of some sales too and she got a beautiful glass bead fish necklace and I got a bookmark and picked up a necklace that I'd ordered previously. Dinner was wonderful too. I just wish she could control her energy sometimes LOL I know in a public school they'd definitely mark her ADHD and so I'm glad I'm homeschooling her so she isn't forced into a label and all that it brings with it.

I've been so busy lately myself. My writing has really taken off. I'm not even going out looking for it. It's just coming to me which is something I thank God for. With this in mind, I've started a new business venture that I'll introduce to you within the next week or so. I'm sure you'll like it too so think green ;)

Otherwise, I've done some research on who John Holt is. If you're like me, you've probably heard his name before. You may even know that he's the founder of unschooling. However, it's really neat to read all about him and what has led him to create what we now call "unschooling" as well as to influence several other organizations as well.

Anyhow, I best get some work done before dd wakes up :)


Unknown said...

I'm so glad you guys had fun. I need to find out if there is something like this for us to visit over here. My son came home early from public school yesterday. He could not take it any more and there is only 4 more weeks left of school, so I took him out. They actually gave me a hard time when I told them I was not transfering him to another school, that I would be homeschooling. Anyways, he has decided he wants to study airplanes so that is what we did today and had so much fun.

Anyways I would like to here more about your new business venture. I pray that besides the green it brings you a lot of joy.

God Bless,

Brenda Marie Hoffman said...

It's nice to hear from you Jen. I wish you all the best with your son. I'm really sorry to hear that they hassled you so bad though. I'm enjoying this new biz and will probably announce it this weekend.