Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Just back from Africa...
...or it seemed like we were really there. Let me explain LOL My church recently had some of its members return from Zambabwe Africa where they were on a mission trip. Tonight they did crafts, sang songs, spoke some language, played games, etc. but it really felt as though they brought a piece of Africa to us. My dd and I did a small lesson this afternoon about Africa and it included a puzzle of the continent. Tonight was an absolutely wonderful "icing on the cake" so to speak. My dd even got a necklace from Africa bc 1 of the teachers took a liking to her. We really had a blast!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I just posted a new entry on Phenomenal Homeschooling about unschooling. I'd love to have some other unschoolers post their comments. I'm going to write at least a few more entries about this form of schooling, then move on to the other types. I'll get around to them all eventually while including some news stories along the way too LOL
I'm a blog-aholic
I don't know what it is with me but I LOVE looking around at other homeschool blogs and bookmarking them here. It's like a little addiction of mine to see what others have going on in their homeschools. Not that I'm trying to compete, by any means, but I just truly enjoy it. Anyhow, I've added some new ones tonight LOL
Monday, March 26, 2007
I must say
I'm really glad that I've been spending the money to have most of the learning channels on our cable TV. I didn't realize it until now though. Instead of watching Noggin or the Disney channel, my dd has been watching animal planet and about babies. Right now she's eating a bowl of popcorn watching something about China. Not only does this have the great benefit of being educational, but since my office is in close proximity I can watch her and the TV show too. So, if she wants to show me or ask me something all I have to do is turn my head. I really do know that she's learning a lot too, all I have to do is listen to her throughout the days.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
An always evolving schedule
I swear that me and dd canNOT stay on a schedule to save our lives and every time I try to get us onto a more "normalized" schedule it just doesn't work. Then to top if off, dd has been wanting to watch animal and doctor shows so I haven't been pushing the bookwork and have been feeling somewhat guilty but she's learning so much and teaching me so much too. I know that I keep saying that we unschool and so I should live and let live but it just gets to me sometimes. I feel like she needs to prove to me that she's learning by doing workbooks and not just by telling me stuff. She's really quite smart though everyone tells me as they also tell me not to worry about it. I just don't know how to make myself feel better even though I spend all day with her outside and then run around cleaning the house and working at night. I swear I bounce on and off this computer like a yo-yo. I write 1 article, go fold a load of clothes, do another article, go do a load of dishes, etc. I guess I just need to get use to this new stage of life as I do believe thatlife does evolve in stages. Thanks for letting me vent though!
Friday, March 23, 2007
I'm happy to announce that I started a new blog that will a part of a network of blogs written by work at home moms. The name of this blog is Phenomenal Homeschooling and I will be writing articles and reviews there instead of blogging about personal things like I do here. Of course, there will still be a lot of me in that blog as well. I hope you'll stop over and check it out. I'm also going to start being the homeschool blogger at 2 other sites as well. More on that sometime soon, when I have more details to share with you. For now, I hope you'll check my newest blog out!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Spring has sprung
It is so absolutely beautiful outside today! We went out walking today. Checked out a new store, had Mediteranean food for lunch and then went to a consignment shop where I picked up a white board for myself and a tape player for dd. We just came inside bc I think dd needs a break but by golly am I itching to go right back outside LOL Tomorrow is suppose to be just as nice and then into the 50s it will go for a while but still that's great weather. I think we'll be outside a lot while the weather isn't too hot. I'm really not looking forward to the summer heat though. It could stay this way and I'd be really happy. The only thing I wish is that I could think of more ways to do homeschool outside. All I can think of right now is nature walks and phys ed. Does anyone have any more suggestions for a 1st/2nd grader? I'd love to hear them!
Monday, March 19, 2007
Just a share
I found this so touching that I just had to share it. I hope you have a Kleenex available.
A day off of school
This is the first sick day of the year. My dd has had a bad cold for a few days now but it really hit her hard last night and today. She was up coughing and crying throughout the night. So, I decided to just let her sleep today. We went to bed last night at 10PM and she woke up around 1PM today. I guess she really needed the sleep even though she's been lying around playing games with me and watching educational shows on TV today. Does this mean that mommy had a day off? No, of course not. I worked today, did a load of laundry and will probably do some house cleaning yet tonight. Oh well, 1 of these days I'll take some time off LOL With the warm weather coming it shouldn't be too long before I do. It seems that when it's warm outside I don't work or do much housework during the day. Everything usually happens at night during the warm days instead LOL So, we'll see, especially since this is the first year that I'll be making a full time living with my online business, which is something that I don't want to brag about, but I sure am proud of it. Anyway, I have some stuff to finish up here online...
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
1 last thing I just have to get off of my chest here...
I was just thinking about this and it irritated me LOL Anyway, at the park tonight I was told "you live in the best school district in the area you really SHOULD put your child in school here, you won't regret it." Ummm... You don't know me or my child, you just met us. I don't get all some people can be so defensive of public schools. I mean sheesh, I'm just bringing my dd down here to socialize and maybe make a few friends. You don't need to be giving me a lecture here. I don't know maybe I'm just a tad on the witchy side but for goodness sakes, don't push your lifestyle on me and I won't push mine on yours. With that thought in mind I simply rolled my eyes and chose not to say anything. What would you have done?
OK I know I'm posting a few posts here and maybe should have consolidated them but who knows LOL What I would like to know though is this: Do you know of any homeschool blogs? Do you have a homeschool? Well, in either case, please share them with me.
As you can see I have added some to my list but I'd really like to find more to enjoy. My latest addition is Mom Is Teaching, which I found because she was gracious enough to stop by and tell me she wrote about my blog. Well, I checked her blog out, enjoyed it and now I've added it to my links. So, regardless of what kind of other homeschooling/unschooling blog you have using whatever kind of method works best for you and your family, could you please share it with me?
As you can see I have added some to my list but I'd really like to find more to enjoy. My latest addition is Mom Is Teaching, which I found because she was gracious enough to stop by and tell me she wrote about my blog. Well, I checked her blog out, enjoyed it and now I've added it to my links. So, regardless of what kind of other homeschooling/unschooling blog you have using whatever kind of method works best for you and your family, could you please share it with me?
A day at the zoo
We spent most of the day at the zoo today. It was a great learning experience as we even heard a lion roar. While I have a lot of work to do, it's on days like this that I'm so thankful that I can work for myself from home. I actually managed to get enough work done today too as I'm not even behind. This amazes me sometimes because we even went outside to the park after dinner tonight. I know I do a lot of things during the day and rarely sit still but it all pays off in the end is what I'm finding out. This nice weather also makes me glad to be a homeschooling wahm since I know there are so many things my dd is learning while we're self sufficient and enjoying life. I have to finish 2 articles, fold laundry and do some other chores yet tonight so I'd better stop prattling LOL
Friday, March 9, 2007
A Special Video
This video is very touching, especially for any parent with a special needs child of any "type." I thought that you would enjoy it:
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
The Ebb & Flow Of Homeschooling
Am I the only 1 who keeps changing things around in their homeschool? I seriously doubt that I am but I just changed some other stuff and how we're doing things. As I continue to get to know my dd better, I keep wanting to improve things so that she'll do better and learn more. I love this "job!" Although, like all jobs, there are some days I hate it LOL I think this new stuff will help though. I'm starting to make sure that my dd is around older kids and doing more activities in the afternoon as by no means are either of us morning people LOL
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Did you see the lunar eclipse tonight?
We did and it was so much fun. As unschoolers we really love when things like this happen so that we can learn about them. We went outside to hunt for the moon and it wasn't there (of course LOL) to my dd's surprise. My dd was fascinated by why it wasn't there. It was so much fun to use this as a real teachable moment!
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