Saturday, March 3, 2007

Did you see the lunar eclipse tonight?

We did and it was so much fun. As unschoolers we really love when things like this happen so that we can learn about them. We went outside to hunt for the moon and it wasn't there (of course LOL) to my dd's surprise. My dd was fascinated by why it wasn't there. It was so much fun to use this as a real teachable moment!


Donetta said...

We missed it! I was so mad at myself because I forgot! UGH! We were awakened by our dog at 5:30 this morning (problems with medicine I think) and my husband was talking about the moon being so bright... which reminded me of the eclipse that we forgot. :(

We did get to see a lunar eclipse two or three years ago and it was truly amazing! It was so neat to watch it through each phase. I took pictures quite a few times through the process and they actually turned out pretty well!

Erin said...

I emailed an article about the eclipse to my son, but by the time it happened we had both forgotten to go out an take a look at it. Bummer! I wonder when it will happen again...

Brenda Marie Hoffman said...

We went out to see it but it happened so fast that we missed the phases and all we saw was how the moon was missing from the sky, so we went on a moon hunt LOL