Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spring has sprung

It is so absolutely beautiful outside today! We went out walking today. Checked out a new store, had Mediteranean food for lunch and then went to a consignment shop where I picked up a white board for myself and a tape player for dd. We just came inside bc I think dd needs a break but by golly am I itching to go right back outside LOL Tomorrow is suppose to be just as nice and then into the 50s it will go for a while but still that's great weather. I think we'll be outside a lot while the weather isn't too hot. I'm really not looking forward to the summer heat though. It could stay this way and I'd be really happy. The only thing I wish is that I could think of more ways to do homeschool outside. All I can think of right now is nature walks and phys ed. Does anyone have any more suggestions for a 1st/2nd grader? I'd love to hear them!


Erin said...

Bug Collecting? Gardening? We are doing Frogwatch where you listen for frogs at a wetland and report the findings to scientists.

Brenda Marie Hoffman said...

Thanks! I'd thought of that too but we don't have anywhere to plant a garden since we live in an apartment.

Summer said...

Isn't it beautiful? I love the spring weather. We're getting some rain here, but its making everything so green and bright.