Saturday, March 24, 2007

An always evolving schedule

I swear that me and dd canNOT stay on a schedule to save our lives and every time I try to get us onto a more "normalized" schedule it just doesn't work. Then to top if off, dd has been wanting to watch animal and doctor shows so I haven't been pushing the bookwork and have been feeling somewhat guilty but she's learning so much and teaching me so much too. I know that I keep saying that we unschool and so I should live and let live but it just gets to me sometimes. I feel like she needs to prove to me that she's learning by doing workbooks and not just by telling me stuff. She's really quite smart though everyone tells me as they also tell me not to worry about it. I just don't know how to make myself feel better even though I spend all day with her outside and then run around cleaning the house and working at night. I swear I bounce on and off this computer like a yo-yo. I write 1 article, go fold a load of clothes, do another article, go do a load of dishes, etc. I guess I just need to get use to this new stage of life as I do believe thatlife does evolve in stages. Thanks for letting me vent though!


Erin said...

We're terrible with schedules too! We do good for a couple of days and then it goes out the window!

Relax! As she gets older you'll see how much she is learning and it will get easier.

Maybe keep a notebook of everytime you informally learn something. Every conversation you have, or program you watch on tv, etc. You'd be surprised how much they learn informally!

I have trouble letting go of books too, so I should talk. They ARE learning though!

Brenda Marie Hoffman said...

Thanks Erin! It's always nice to know you're not alone. I have done what you suggested before and do know she's learning a lot, I just can't let go LOL

Unknown said...

Hi Brenda,
My name is Jennifer and I am new at homeschooling and now thanks to you blogging. I've just started my own blog after reading yours. Your blogs were truly inspireing to me, a newbie. Thank you. I was hoping you could take a look at my blog and give me some pointers (if you have the time). How do you invite people to come look at your blog. I am hoping to network with other homeschool moms with experience who can give me ideas and newbies who I might be able to edify and who will be able to edify me.