Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Just back from Africa...

...or it seemed like we were really there. Let me explain LOL My church recently had some of its members return from Zambabwe Africa where they were on a mission trip. Tonight they did crafts, sang songs, spoke some language, played games, etc. but it really felt as though they brought a piece of Africa to us. My dd and I did a small lesson this afternoon about Africa and it included a puzzle of the continent. Tonight was an absolutely wonderful "icing on the cake" so to speak. My dd even got a necklace from Africa bc 1 of the teachers took a liking to her. We really had a blast!


Erin said...

that's really cool!

Did you kjnow they were going to do that when you did the Africa themed stuff or was that a coincidence?

PlainJane said...

Thanks for visiting my blog today; I feel sooo honored that you added me to your blog list! I will have to do the same.

I love Africa. I was going to be a missionary in Tanzania many years ago, but that is another post yet to be written. :)

You have such a lovely blog. I really like your phononominal (sp?) education catagory. I peeked at it a bit, and will have to return when I can spend more time, but for now I better get off this thing.
Blessings, Jane in MN

Summer said...

Oh how fun!

Brenda Marie Hoffman said...

It was a lot of fun. I knew they were going to do the Africa lesson but I didn't know it was going to be that good. I ordered the KONOS stuff afterwards.