Friday, January 5, 2007

The effects of weather

I've noticed that not only does nasty, grey, wet weather effect how we feel, but it also effects our homeschooling lives here as well. Both my daughter and I couldn't get motivated to do much today. I wish we could plan not to do schoolwork or anything else on days like this but where we live we get so many of these days that we'd never get anything done. I simply am going to have to find a better way in which we can work with these days. I'd love to hear some suggestions though. Thanks!


Unknown said...

When I'm not feeling up to par, I like popping in a video tape. I try to keep a few on hand, from the public library for these times.

Oh, I found you through message board. Happy National Fruitcake Toss Day!

Brenda Marie Hoffman said...

Thanks for the suggestion. I think that it's a great one. We have lots of videos here too that we could use. I don't know why we don't LOL