Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Feeling Crafty

I have really been getting in touch with the things that I enjoy doing. It's nice when I have to only work a few hours a day because that leaves me with so much extra time to be able to do the things that I enjoy. I'm finding that I really like to do cross stitch and to draw cartoon type figures. I also enjoy doing puzzles. Since we only homeschool for 30 minutes per day, and even that is broken up throughout our day, that leaves my dd with plenty of time to be around me to see me doing these things. I think it's really helping her because she's started to color and do puzzles with me. It's nice and enjoyable for the both of us. Of course, I do need to find more time to read and work on my next book. I think that this time will come though. I honestly think that my excitement about these other hobbies is what's taking up my time right now. Eventually I will learn not to spend all my time doing just one thing. I know that I can always depend upon Mondays trip to the library to work on my book. I can cross stitch at night after dd goes to bed. I just need to stop earlier so that I can read. My drawing will fit in throughout the rest of the day. Two hours of work and 1 hour of housework each day really isn't all that much. I love how homeschooling doesn't only allow you to learn new things with your child but it also helps you to rediscover yourself and the things that you enjoy doing. It's just a matter of finding the time to do all of these things since we're involved in so many activities but it will all work out in the end :-)

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