Sunday, January 28, 2007

Random Thoughts Of A Madwoman

I started writing my new (second) ebook today. It feels good to do this research and I can think of more homeschooling books that I'll publish eventually. Can you tell how much of a nerd I really am? I spend my time writing, reading, drawing and cross stitching. All of these things are fun for me while most of you would pass them up in an instant LOL

I need to start my website soon. I own the site and have BIG plans for it but since I'm writing full time and homeschooling full time as a single mom I'm just not getting too far with that. However, someone just pointed out to me tonight that I really have to get a move on it.

I have a lot of stuff that just keeps piling up and boy I'm lousy at keeping up with it all. I really think that it's because I have too many plates that I'm trying to keep spinning but there's really not any that I can do away with.

It's suppose to snow a lot here tonight so I'll be home tomorrow so here's hoping that I can start getting things set up so that I can get ahead with my life :-)

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