Thursday, January 25, 2007

So Far So Good

This has been a good week. I kind of relaxed after seeing that I was driving us both nuts last week. Then I spoke to an evaluator that I plan to use and seeing what she wants has helped me to relax even more. We've done more reading, crafts, games, and such this week than anything else. DD is really enjoying it even though she still hates sitting still for me to read to her but we're slowly trying to find an activity for her to do with her hands while I read. We're using the Charlotte Mason approach there though now that I understand it better. I was asking questions before but now that I understand it better I can see that she's suppose to tell me what she thinks I said - in her own words. I'm also glad for the true friendship that I've been developing with a local homeschool mom. So, all is good in my world except for this stinkin' snow LOL

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