Tuesday, April 17, 2007


"Have you ordered your curriculum yet?" is a question that I'm getting tired of hearing as an unschooling parent. Why? Because when I state that I don't order curriculum I get questioned to death. I've noticed this quite often lately. However, I've decided not to go on a rant about it because it'd just be a waste of time. I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this recently?

And for those of you who are choosing homeschool curriculum this year, here are some pointers for you.


PlainJane said...

Hi Brenda Marie,
How nice of you to pay me a visit today! I am honored that you have added me to your sidebar. :)

After so many years of homeschooling, I really don't "need" to order anything, but what I get strange looks about is when people ask and I say we are done with school for the year. Maybe next year we will go slower just to avoid the evil eye. lol

Brenda Marie Hoffman said...

You're very welcome. I truly enjoy your blog.

I wouldn't worry about that evil eye so much. I think they're just envious, that's all LOL

As an unschooling family we purchase things as we see or need them. I'm always interested in what others are purchasing though.