Saturday, April 21, 2007

Reflections from a homeschool mom

I swear sometimes I get really reflective on the area of homeschooling. I guess it's called good parenting whenever you stop to make sure that you are doing everything in your power to ensure that your child is getting a good homeschool education, which I know my dd is getting and yet I still stop to reflect once in a while. Well, today, I was reflecting upon my budget and decided to write an article sharing some tips as to how we manage to homeschool on a budget.


Unknown said...

Hi Brenda,
Thank you so much for your comment. Actually, when I decided to homeschool, your website was the first one I looked at. My plan was to unschool, which I still feel we are doing. My kids are older, so they helped in all the researching in different homeschool options and most of what we are doing has been decided by them. I do not work, so their education and spending this awesome amount of time with them is my goal and my dream. I also want to make sure to teach them in a way they will be interested in learning, so I've allowed them to relate to me what is important to them in learning. They will grow up so fast and I did not know anything about homeschooling. Now I am so glad we have made this decision. The "Weaver" is not a textbook curriculum. It is more like unschooling. It gives you a frame work of what the state requires your child to know (mine have to be tested by law once a year), then you decide how you want them to learn the information(e.g. field trips, hands on, library, notebooking, etc...). It is also unit based and can be used by multiage dc. Which means it can be done by all of us at the same time and the way it combines all the subjects you end up having so much fun (another one of my goals) so we have more family time.

Well I wish you luck on your journey, your dd sounds so smart.

God Bless you and your little one,

Brenda Marie Hoffman said...

Thanks for the kind words and for explaining the Weaver curriculum to me. I may have to look into it some more.