Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Sleep is over-rated

NOT!!! LOL However, lately my body seems to think that it is. I've been unable to sleep much and all I do is toss and turn. I'm not sure why I'm this way but tonight was another 1 of those nights. In fact, I lay there thinking about some things that I need to "fix" about our life and our homeschool (besides the fact that I need to put our winter clothes in boxes and our summer clothes in the dresser and that I need to box up some books to take to Half Price books and sell LOL), with this in mind, I actually dragged myself out of bed and wrote a post on Phenomenal Homeschooling. I really hope that it doesn't sound preachy but if it does, please note that I'm preaching to myself more than to anyone else LOL


Summer said...

Sleep is never over rated! LOL Like I can talk, I'm up til 1 AM or later then back up by 8 AM.


Erin said...

Sometimes at night the panic sets in for me too. I find myself searching the net for "homeschool success stories" so that I feel more at ease that this is going to work.


Brenda Marie Hoffman said...

I'm glad I'm not the only 1 who does weird hours or wakes up in search of something to put my fears aside.