Saturday, April 7, 2007

Something Cute

Here's a cute quiz to find out what type of a homeschooler you are. Here's what I got:

Martha Stewart No project is simple for you, everything is very involved; lace, ruffles, and flowers make it a good thing. Your curriculum is heavy on fine arts: art appreciation/recognition, historical architecture, music, creative writing, and literary classics. If your students absorb a little math and science along the way, so much the better.

This is too funny considering that I'm no Martha Stewart but we are big time into art, crafts and I work as a freelance writer. I'd love to find out what you are!


Unknown said...

Hi! I'm glad you stopped by my blog! I just did the quiz, it said I was an unschooler (which I am not). I wonder if it was the question about how you start the morning and I answered whenever I wake up! :)

Erin said...

"Salvador Dali Melting clocks are not a problem in your reality. You are an unschooler. You will tolerate a textbook, but only as a last resort. Mud is your friend. You prefer hands-on everything. If your school had an anthem, it would be Dont Worry, Be Happy"

Actually, I don't really think I am. I lean towards unschooling.but not completely.

Jenn4Him said...

Hello. I was over at my friend Lynn's reading her "lurker" comments and I saw your blog. I am always interested in visiting other homeschool blogs, so I thought I'd come by and say hello. I actually have 2 blogs. One is on blogspot that I use mainly for my family who live out of town. It is basically a condensed version of my "heart" blog. My "heart" blog is at homeschoolblogger, which I think you've found because I saw that I am on your list of blogs that you enjoy. Thank you very much by the way! I too have enjoyed my visit here. I took the quiz and I think it fits me pretty well. That was fun. Next time you drop by my blog, be sure to say hello!

Brenda Marie Hoffman said...

Lynn & Erin: Isn't it funny how the 2 of you fall under "unschooling" and say that you're not really unschoolers. Then there's me who is an unschooler and I get told I'm Martha Stewart which I'm not. I guess this quiz isn't all that reliable LOL

Jenn: It's nice to hear the quiz fits you well. I forget how I found your blog but I do enjoy reading it daily. Thanks for your kind words about my blog. I try to post comments whenever I feel that I have something worth adding so I'll speak up soon enough ;)

Just a general comment... I really need to get a homeschoolblogger account so that I can sign in instead of posting anonymously, especially seeing how many great blogs there really are over there LOL